Possible to play midi keyboard without entering Note Input mode?
I often want to work out a part on the midi keyboard before actually entering notes into a score, but the moment I play a key MuseScore jumps into Note Input mode and starts entering notes. I think it would be groovy to be able to toggle in and out of Note Input mode (with the N key?) while retaining use and sounds of the midi keyboard.
Perhaps this is already possible somehow and I've just missed it?
You can switch off midi input by toggling the "DIN-plug" icon (right on the speaker icon).
In reply to midi input by [DELETED] 3
Aaaah, should have spotted that one myself. Thanks for the quick reply!
In reply to midi input by [DELETED] 3
I'm using 0.9.4 - RC r1503 on XP and the "DIN-plug" icon does nothing - MIDI in is always on.
In reply to midi input by ozzkar
Hmmm... I'm experiencing the same thing with 0.9.4 - RC r1484 on XP. MIDI input always happens regardless of the state of the icon. Actually I even tried unchecking the "Enable MIDI input" box in the preferences, but it does not stop MIDI input either -- even after a program restart.
Our MIDI keyboards have probably mutated and become self-aware and now cannot be stopped by mere icons and checkboxes!
In reply to Hmmm... I'm experiencing the by cjul
Werner fixed the problem. It will be included in the upcoming 0.9.4 release.
In reply to fixed by Thomas
Thanks for fixing the midi input toggle issue -- seems to work great now! Going back to my original post, I still can't see a way to hear midi keyboard sounds without note entry happening. It was suggested that toggling the Midi Input icon might accomplish this (which led to the bug fix), however disabling Midi Input also seems to prevent midi signals from reaching the internal synth. Is there a way to keep midi input enabled (to be able to hear sounds) but toggle in and out of Note Entry Mode as needed to work out a part before entering? I was hoping that pressing N would accomplish this, but mscore seems to jump right back into Note Entry Mode whenever it receives a midi signal. If this is not currently possible could it be implemented?
In reply to midi input by [DELETED] 3
Where is the DIN-plug icon please? I can't see it, nor a speaker icon
In reply to Where is the DIN-plug icon… by Richard Cooke
In the toolbar, part of the playback controls, whouch you can disable/anabale via a right-click into the toobar area. There's no speaker icon though, not in Musecore 3 (that post you're referring to is more than 13 years old, even MuseScore 1 didn't exist back then, only 0.9.3)
In reply to In the toolbar, part of the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Oh thanks, I was looking on the play panel, I don't normally use the toolbar.
But when I disable this icon I can no longer even hear notes I play. Is there a way to play the keyboard, to hear what something sounds like when composing, without having notes entered when editing?
In reply to Oh thanks, I was looking on… by Richard Cooke
Don't switch it off then