Changing a chord structure

• Jan 8, 2023 - 00:52

How does one reformat a chord like
in MS4

When I downloaded jvalle's Goody Goody, the chords looked normal, but when I opened it up in MS4, the expanded chords
like C7+5 are expressed as C&seven;&alter_sharp;&sfive;

Attachment Size
Goody_Goody_in_F (1).pdf 43.53 KB
Goody_Goody_in_F (1).mscz 35.51 KB


Observations (I'll try the MS 4 workaround in a bit...)
jvalle's version was originally done on MS 1.3...
It opened up OK in MS 3, but I crashed MS when I attempted to save a transposed copy, and the resulting file (which I since deleted) was corrupted

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