Musescore 4 piano playback bug?

• Jan 17, 2023 - 10:00

I've been working on the piano, and after updating to musescore 4 the playback seems to be bugged?

I had a occasion where my left hand were having runs up and down but when it covered a note held by the right hand it fails to play it.

Or am I just not supposed to notate like that?

Attachment Size
bug test.mscz 15.42 KB
Untitled.png 1.22 MB


Those are all C4s, seems the whole note in righgt hand 'overwrites' the ones in left hand
Seems impossible to play it like that, you can't press a key again if it is pressed already

I'm encountering the same issue! I think your notation communicates what you want just fine, the sustain pedal lets you attack already ringing notes again. I tried being explicit about the pedaling on your bug test file, but it didn't seem to help.

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