
• Jun 19, 2023 - 21:03

I am trying to insert barlines between staves a transcription of Elizabethan music.
The Musescore 4 online handbook says:
"Adding barlines between staves
1. Right click on the bottom staff of the intended mensurstrich system, and select Staff/Part properties.
2. Uncheck "Show barlines".
3. Select the first (not the start!) barline for each of the remaining staves;
4. Check the "Span to next staff" box in the Barline section of the Properties panel;
5. Adjust "Span from" to set the position of the top of each barline;
Press Set as staff default;"

in step 4 I am to check a box in the Barline section of the Properties panel. I can't find a Barline section anywhere.


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