Low e notehead appears colored differently on score

• Aug 25, 2024 - 20:54


I'm building up a bass transcription and am noticing that the low E notehead consistently gets colored in a mustardy yellow color (see screenshot).

Is there something I can do to avoid this? I have even gone to Style -> Text styles for these note heads and it seems as if the color selected is already black. Something must be up with the way that Musescore chooses to visualize that low E.

For reference, my Musecore version is:

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.2-241630831, revision: 22b46f2



Attachment Size
dominationScreenshot.png 64.89 KB
styleTextStylesColor.png 81.28 KB


MuseScore colors notes outside of the range of an instrument, yellow if outside amateur range, red if outside professional range. Those colors don't print though, you see them only on screen. And you can disable that, in Preferences

In reply to by JasonFil

"I'm building up a bass transcription and am noticing that the low E notehead consistently gets colored in a mustardy yellow color"

This is not the case by default; see image below (new score for bass guitar just created) , the E is displayed as expected. What do you mean by transcription? What is the source of your file? An import in XML, MIDI, of PDF conversion, or other format, perhaps?

EDIT: And if so, replace your current instrument for a... Bass guitar (in Properties panel or in Staff/Part Properties). This will reset the instrument as defined by default in MuseScore.


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