Noatation in Full Score differs from Parts (automatic changes)
I posted my question on Facebook and was redirected for more insights, i copy-pasted teh entire post and hope you might be able to help me further. I'll attach the original file and the screenshots I made earlier.
Today I found myself in a weird position. I am woriking on my first string quartet when I discovered that two bars of the viola part in the score look different from the one in the parts. The parts version is the correct version. Copy pasting the 3 bars from the parts to the full score made MuseScore crash, when done only bar 90 that worked, but copying bar 92 crashed musescore again. Any clue as to how to fix this?
[edit: changing bar 92 in score itself als changes it in the part but always wrong/different from eachother.]
[edit #2: I update as I go. Selecting the section and uncheck the play box under the properties tab also changes the position of the notes, checking and unchecking the concert pitch box doesn't make a difference (as it should)]
[edit #3: Last update: Issue solved by deleting the three bars and reinsert three new ones and re-write the section, which included the other instruments as well.]
[Edit #4: not the last update. After restoring the previous section I checked other parts of the score now have discrepancies too and I am not happy about it. Anyadvice, tips are welcome on how to solve this without rewriting everything.]
Attachment | Size |
String_Quartet_No._1_(Minuet_&_Trio) V2 (Enharmonic (2023)).mscz | 204.74 KB |
474981191_9059099890840330_2321942440171521568_n.jpg | 10.67 KB |
475041179_9059097954173857_2103740058846589736_n.jpg | 10.63 KB |
Interaction between parts and score is not always perfect. I seldom open parts until the piece is finished. As an experiment, open your score and open a parts window. Open all the parts. Go back to the Parts window (manage parts) and to the far right of a part that has discrepancies, there are three dots. Select the dots and select Reset. You might do it for all the parts just to be safe. Good luck.
In reply to Interaction between parts… by bobjp
Thank you, however it is the part that is right and the full score that is wrong.
1) That undoes hours of work preparing the part(s)
2) It copies the wrong notes from the full score into the parts.
In reply to Thank you, however it is the… by Jeroen Bakker
Then copy the right notes from the part into the score ...
In reply to Then copy the right notes… by HildeK
If you read the post you'll see that didn't work either.
In reply to Thank you, however it is the… by Jeroen Bakker
This has to do with the Alto clef. Remove it, copy to notes from the part into the score and then reinsert it.
I think this is a bug in the software ...
This is at least twice in the score / parts!
In reply to This has to do with the Alto… by HildeK
Thank you @HildeK, that fixes the Viola part but not the Violin I part. However, you seem right (and a fool I am to not notice it) that there is a Alto clef in the Violin part that should not be there. How weird it did not appeared in the Parts.
In reply to This has to do with the Alto… by HildeK
Yes, the Alto Cleff was the whole issue. Thanks.