Text style modifications not taken in account before a restart

• Aug 15, 2017 - 11:06

When you create a text style or change an exisiting style, changes you made are not reflected in the score until you close and restart MS.


Creating a text style would never affect the score in itself - the new style would first have to be manually applied to some text elements (eg, using the Inspector, or Text Properties).

Modifying a text style does immediately affect all text elements using that style, except for elements that had manual overrides applied already. For those, you'd need to first hit "Revert Text to Style" in the Inspector.

Loading a text style indeed does not affect existing text elements currently. That's the issue mentioned above.

If you believe you are seeing something different form this, please attach your score and precise steps to reproduce the problem so we can investigate.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think i know how styles do function :
With any score opened :
- open Style/Text and create a new style.
- save it under any name
- close the dialog
- append a text to the score-say, for example, staff text.
- open the inspector :the newly created style is not available.
- close and restart MS, the new style is present.

2nd opération :

  • have a score with a text using your newly created style.
  • open style /text and modify your style-say, for example, the font size or the vertical alignement.
  • select Apply or Ok, the modification is not or only partially reflected.
  • close and restart MS, the modifications are present

In reply to by bersyl91

Ah, I believe I see the point of confusion. It is true that if you have already selected a text element when you create the new style, the new style own't appear in the Inspector. But no need to close and restart MuseScore to get it to show. You don't even need to close and reopen the score. Just deselect the text element and reselect it in order to repopulate the list in the Inspector.

As for the 2nd operation, again, that is not how it works in general - only for text elements that have previous had their formatting customized. Those previous customizations will need to be removed before the new style will be honored. Just click the Reset button I mentioned before.

Again, if you think you are seeing something different, please attach the specific score you are having problems with so we can see what is going on. Most likely your text elements have custom settings applied and that is why they are not responding to style changes, although if so, then closing and restarting (or closing then reopening the score) shoudln't change it. So it is possible you have encountered a bug that only hits in very specific cases; that's why we'd need to see your score to understand. But in general, it should and does work as I've described.

EDIT: also, text elements that are generated on the fly as opposed to being inserted manually (like measure numbers of staff names at the beginning of each system) are handled a little differently, but still, it shouldn't be behaving the way you describe.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,

Ok, I've restarted Windows and MS and retried.
For the 1st point, I agree with you, it was certainly a conjunction of bizarre factors since ti's now ok.

For the 2nd one, I have to be a bit more precise, because I tried again and I confirm the bug: It's only concerning the positioning of the text: Once you modified it (wether horiz or vertical) in the style, you have to change the style of your text to something other then back to have the positioning reflected.

What is even more confusing is that the text has still the defaults of x = 0 and y = 0 showed in the inspector.

In reply to by bersyl91

Once more, in order to understand why you are seeing this something different form the normal, we would need you to attach the specific score and give us the precise steps to reproduce the problem. Assumign your texts were not previously customized, or you did the Reset as I suggested, it should work as I have described. Try the following, for instance, to verify:

1) start with an empty score, like the default Untitled score
2) click rest in measure 1
3) Ctrl+T to create staff text
4) type "staff text"
5) press Esc
6) right click the text
7) Text Style
8) change the vertical offset from the default of -4 to 0
9) press OK

Result: the text moves down to just below the top line of the staff.

I assume if you follow these same steps you will get the same result. So again, if you have previously seen different results, it has to be something unique to your particular score or to the specific steps you are taking.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ok, now it functions, but before it was not functioning. Very strange... Exactly as the problem I have MS being very slow at some times without any obvious reason...
Okay, I think we can close the topic with the comment "probable side effect"
Thank you again Marc !

In reply to by bersyl91

You're welcome!

As for slowness, there are a few known things to look out for:

  • In some earlier releases, the Navigator would occasionally glitch and slow things down if it was sized so as to be right on the edge of either needing scroll bars or not. Resizing it worked around the problem. but this is fixed for 2.1

  • Large scores known to be slow, that's just how it is

  • Some particular scores have corruptions where there are literally thousands of spurious slurs or other elements all stacked on top of each other, and this causes slowdowns. The bugs leading to those corruptions are mostly fixed, and there was effort made to fix older scores on load, but scores previously affected may still be slow.

As always, if you are seeing a problem and wish to report it it here, then it is best to attach the score. We can give you much better help much faster that way.

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