Chord display or modification for left-hander player guitar player

• Mar 9, 2018 - 15:19

Hi everybody,

I'm a new and satisfy user of MusicScore and as left-hander guitar player, I have a short question regarding chord display.
Currently chord are display as guitar is vertical but I would like to rotate it (i.e 90° on the right), as guitar is front of me.
Is it possible to do it ? or is there an alternate solution as creating my own chord diagram ?

Thanks for your response,




The tablature has strings displayed 90° from the fretboard diagrams. You can reverse the order of the strings in the tablature by right clicking a tablature, selecting staff properties clicking the Advanced Styles button and checking upside down.

If you only want to use fretboard diagrams, you will need to copy it into a graphics editor program and rotate it. You can then insert pictures of the chords.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks for your quick response. I did this in a word (rotate chord diagram) nevertheless for the moment, when I copy (or cut) and paste after, it doesn't work. I save it picture in a Gif or JPg as well but no success too. Doesn't matter, I will continue to investigate


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