Playback second page of a score

• May 16, 2018 - 19:06

I have created a two page score that is visually correct. However, If I highlight a note, the note on the second page plays a minor third above the dispayed note and the keyboard confirms the sound.
i.e. if I highlight a G on the first page the sound and the keyboard agree its a G. If I highlight a G on the second page the sound and the keyboard indicate a Bflat.

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.Gone Fishin-3.mscz, 20.13 KB


In reply to by adrian.P

That score indeed has only one instrument, no instrument change. But you have a key sig change from C-Major to Eb-Major in measure 21 and more important a clef change from a regular bass clef to an F/Bartiton-clef in measure 37 (i.e. at the page break), for some strange reason without a courtesy clef in the measure before.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

You wrote:
When I delete it...
Rather than delete the baritone clef in measure 37, I used the regular bass clef from the palette to change it.
That works, but measure 37 clef doesn't change (the others do change).

And then....
The above action becomes 'undoable' to restore the notes' pitches to put the score back to its original condition..

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz the courtesy clef shows if the baritone clef is deleted then put back. (Not what the OP truly wants.)

Please try this:
Open the score, but this time don't delete the baritone clef.
Drag a regular bass clef from the palette onto measure 37.
Look at the clefs on that second page.
Then try to undo (and observe the notes).

In reply to by mike320

That is what I also wonder, which is why
is a good question...
...because the OP states: The key change was deliberate but I missed the subtle differences in the bass clef.
So... it seems he may have changed the clef.
If, as he wrote, he: thought that the instrument would have been for the whole score... then certainly the bass clef would have been for the whole score ; and not necessary to be re-entered (inadvertently with a subtly different clef).

In reply to by adrian.P

Sounds like the problem has been figured out - it's about the wrong clef being used. But for the record, you can change instruments mid-score, just add the "Instrument" from the Text palette, then right click it and use "Change Instrument". What I actually was suspecting, though, was that maybe the score was for more than one instrument, say saxophone and piano, and on the first page you just happened to be selecting piano notes (maybe the saxophone had only rests) whereas on the second page you happened to be selecting saxophone notes.

My guess is the notes on the second page are for a transposing instrument like alto saxophone, in which case this is totally correct - written G for alto does sound like Bb. But once you post the actual score, we will be able to say better.

Hello, I noticed the continuing discussion of my problem and thought I should add some clarification.
It was my first attempt at creating a score using Musescore.
The whole score was entered via mouse. The second page was added automatically, with the clef, when I added some bars at the end of the first page. The score looked OK to me but sounded wrong on the page change when played. It was when I added the piano view that I realised what was wrong and raised the query.
As far as I can remember, I did not change instruments. You can see from the heading that it was intended for a single instrument.
I hope this helps.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Hi, Yes, I did mean Virtual Piano Keyboard and yes, I have audiveris on my PC but, until now, have not been able to do anything useful with it's output. I will get round to trying the combination when I have got a handle on the Musescore basics. A lot of what I am trying to do involves typing in hand written scores which I don't think Audiveris will handle.

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