editing problems
New to this, so maybe missing something obvious. I just converted a pdf to musescore, and I'm trying to fix some conversion errors involving rhythm. Several measures have added extra beats (for example in a 2/4 time signature, I have measures with 3 or 4 beats) -- which happened when a dotted eighth and sixteenth was converted to a dotted quarter and eighth. For the life of me I can't figure out how to correct this in a way that changes the number of beats per measure. I'll change the individual note rhythms, but then rests will automatically get added to keep the total (wrong) number of beats in the measure, and I cannot delete them. I hope this makes sense!
right-click into (an empty spot of) the measure, measure properties, change actual duration
In reply to right-click into (an empta… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you! I just figured it out myself before seeing this -- slightly different way, so now I see there are two. Appreciate it
In reply to Thank you! I just figured it… by profclr1
Follow up question: where do I find "measure properties"?
In reply to Follow up question: where do… by profclr1
As Jojo said, right click an empty spot on the measure and you will see the context menu pop up. It includes "Measure properties" if you are using British English it will say "Bar Properties" if you are using another language you will have to figure out what your word for it is.
In reply to As Jojo said, right click an… by mike320
Thank you. I have a mac so I always forget how to right click. But I've figured it out.
In reply to Thank you. I have a mac so I… by profclr1
You mean ctrl+click on the Mac. Us windows users forget about that.
Never mind, I figured it out! (command delete!)