Weird measure glitch??

• Sep 29, 2019 - 17:04

So, sometimes when I make my music, I have some measures that will be really long, like R E A L L Y long, sometime it takes an entire page for that measure, and so I am asking if there is any way to fix that or am I supposed to have 1 measure per page. (happens most frequently on multi instrument scores)


There is no way in MuseScore for a measure to span more that one system or line (i.e. the width of a page), so for a measure that spans a whole page, you'd need to split it into managable chunks and possible then hide the barlines.
Or make the page very wide (or the staff small, staff space setting) or use continuous mode.

As mentioned, we would need you to attach your score in order to do better than guess. But I'm understanding correctly, you have a measure that is stretched across an entire page and you think another measure would have fit? if so, probably there is a system break on that measure. Delete it (standard-looking line break icon above the end barline) and all should be well.

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