Printing issues

• Oct 6, 2019 - 02:22

For some reason Musescore doesn't want to print this new file I've created correctly (although it will print another I previously created fine). Attached is the file and it's respective print preview.

Attachment Size
strange.pdf 93.1 KB
1. Introduction.mscz 8.12 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

I'm not sure what a 32 bit system is or isn't. I'm running bootcamp on a mid 2010 imac OS 10.6.8/XP. Can't really upgrade OS because I'd lose programs, etc. Believe I have Muse 2.3.2 on the XP partition, but I'd prefer to do as much on on the OSX side because the keyboard shortcuts are consistent with my mac keyboard.

But as stated in the OP, Muse will print the other file I created fine, so it seems there's something else more minor going on with the software.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The uploaded score (with which I'm having issues) was actually created in Muse 1.2 on my OSX partition. But when I booted in win XP muse 2.3.2 it seems the print issue is not extant in that setup.

It's just strange because I can print my other score I created on osx 10.6.8 in muse 1.2 with no prob.

As you can see my setup is kind of a rag-tag operation!

In anycase, thank y'all for your help

In reply to by DesignLov3

No, it clearly has been created on Windows (and got last saved with MuseScore 1.2), check the score properties.

I have no problem opening that score with MuseScore 1.3 (or in fact any other version) and print it, on Windows 7.

Are you printing directly from MuseScore, or exporting (save as in 1.x) to PDF and print that, or sending it to some PDF printer? The latter is known to cause issues

Attachment Size
1. Introduction.pdf 50.41 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hmm well that' very strange that it should say it was created in windows because I'm absolutely certain I did it in OSX. I don't use the Windows unless I absolutely have to for something because my mac keyboard shortcuts no longer work on that partition (which is of course pivotal when creating a score). In any case, to answer your question I was trying to print directly from muse. I can print my other score fine with same setup. Maybe something wrong with file?

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