Why does the file get corrupted?

• Nov 14, 2016 - 13:47

The file keeps on messing up and the measures are all off. When I try to play it back, it plays multiple notes at the same time at different places. It says that stuff is incomplete and that I need to fix it, but I don't know what that means. Why can't my file save?

Attachment Size
Galatins_themes_2.mscz 12.5 KB


A problem with the input of a pick-up measure maybe?
What was your purpose exactly for this, and how you are doing this? Could you provide precise steps to reproduce this?
You are working with the 2.0.3 version or not?

The problem is fixed by introducing a 4/4 time sig : Galatins_themes_4.mscz
Or, probably as your attempt (?) by entering a pick-up measure as it must be done: Galatins_themes_5.mscz

see https://musescore.org/en/node/54721

But here it seems you want a piece in 4/4 with a 1/4 pickup, instead you somehow created a 1/4 time sig, but still managed to squeeze more beats into all measure but the first

How dod you manage to get into that mess? If you can help us reproducing this, we might be able to fix this bug?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I just started to make the score normally; open up the program, new score, Title and composer... the only thing I did differently was that I included a 1 beat pick up and let the time signature stay as 4/4 instead of the common time notation.

In reply to by Snow Leopard 008

With those steps I can't reproduce. And it would not have created that 1/4 time sig, but a 4/4 time sig with a 1/4 pickup measure.
Also the steps are not complete: you picked an Instrument, Flute, apparently.
And common time is not the default, but 4/4

So you seem to have managed to use some wierd magic, and we'd really like to find out what triggered this behavior, that is why we need a detailt step-by-step description.

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