Trumpet And Sax Special notation.

• Apr 13, 2017 - 20:16

How does one indicate a 'shake' in trumpet Jazz notation and would one go about signaling 'growls' for the sax on formal music? Please help.


There are lots of special symbols used in jazz,. some that are semi-standardized, some that each arranger makes up for themselves. The ones that are *extremely* common can be always found n the Articulations palette. The ones that are "pretty" common can also be found there if you are in the Advanced as opposed to Basic workspace (see control at bottom of palette window). Some might be found in other palettes, like "Arpeggios and Glissandi" or "Lines". Markings that are less common can be found in the "Symbols" palette (press "Z" to display). Markings that you invent yourself can be placed as graphics if you create a PNG file.

If there is a specific symbol you are wondering about and can't find based on this, feel free to psot a picture and describe its purpose, and we can tell you how you'd add it.

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