Volta line thickness/position issue

• Apr 28, 2014 - 13:45

If I change the line thickness of standard volta lines the repeat number changes position, like so:

Standard (0.18sp):

After changing thickness (to 0.10sp):

What can be done to avoid or correct this? I'm running MuseScore on Mac (10.6 and 7) by the way.


Attachment Size
volta-line-standard.png 11.73 KB
volta-line-custom.png 12.63 KB


Nothing I guess. Seems the next version won't have that problem, as a look into a current nightly build shows.
Assuming you're using a 1.x version, that is (I can see the problem with 1.3 on Windows 7)

In reply to by bxwebber

Some numbers shifting down in 1.3 was a known issue. If you go into the Measure numbers pane and adjust something (not the position), the measure position will shift down anyway. This is fixed in the upcoming 2.0.

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