Changing key signature middle section of a piece

• Aug 19, 2020 - 11:49

I'm using Musescore 3.3 (3.5 keeps crashing so I reinstalled 3.3) - and I'm using Tools as directed to change the key in the middle section of a piece.

It changes the notes ok, but it doesn't alter the key signature. Can anyone please advise me how to do this?

Many thanks.


In reply to by trixifield

Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you say is happening. Changing the key signature just involves dragging the new key signature from the pallet to the measure where you want to change key. Any following notes will not change pitch. However, accidentals will be added/removed to maintain the notes' existing pitch.

Instead of 3.3 you may want to use 3.4.2. Or try 3.5.0 again and disable the startcenter in preferences, after having started MuseScore by doubleclicking a score.
Whatever: changing a key sig never changes pitches, for that you need to transpose

Thank you for all your advice everyone. It was the key sig that needed to change so I did it from the pallet. I had assumed that if you go to the Tools section, and also tick the "Transpose key signatures" box, this would also be changed. In fact it doesn't seem to make any difference. You've all been a great help, thank you very much.

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