Separating stems

• Oct 3, 2021 - 14:57

Can I separate stems for a solo guitar piece? For example, if I want a bass note 1/4 note to have a stem down while 1/8 melody notes are stems up on the same beat? Something like this,


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There's no quarter note in that image.
You can flip stems using X or the Inspector. Or by using the automatic for voice 1 and 3 for upstem and voice 2 and 4 for downstem

In reply to by cpimentel2000

It's not a particular feature. MuseScore displays by default the stems facing up for voices 1 and 3, and facing down for voices 2 and 4. One should know this.
Then, in guitar writing (where the use of three voices is really predominant), it turns out that using voice 1, voice 2 and voice 4 allows you to eliminate any stem direction editing work, since it works that way by default.

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