page display
Hi there! I'm new to Musescore and am wondering how to move from page to page in a download. As it stands, I am able to view only the first page of my music download (in 'Page View' mode), or a single line of the music (in 'Continuous View'), or at the entire piece of music (in 'Single Page mode). Is there a way to display the music by page; that is, as with Page View, I can look at the first page and, then, maybe click on something to go to successive pages? Many thanks for any help.
Tried the PageUp / PageDown keys? And in combination with Ctrl?
In reply to Tried the PageUp/Page/Down… by Jojo-Schmitz
That did the trick! Many thanks, Jojo!
Also, the scroll wheel (or equivalent touch gesture like two-finger swipe) does its job normally. See the Handbook section on viewing & navigation for other options as well.
In reply to Also, the scroll wheel (or… by Marc Sabatella
Thanks, Marc.