Help! Triplets not connecting beams on stems going down (writing for drumkit)

• Apr 29, 2022 - 17:08

So I am writing out blues drum grooves all in triplets (4/4). The stems going up all have beams that connect. The stems going down do not connect the beams between the first and third triplet of the beat (they insert wrest signs and bracket with '3' in it to show they are triplets. I really need the beams to be there! As this is how standard drum notation would write this.

Please help! Struggling to find the answer!

Thanks :) Ben


You need to add a beam over the rest in the middle of the triplet. See

Note, it is better to attach a score (.mscz file) than a picture - even though a picture may be worth a hundred words, a score is generally worth a hundred pictures - we can get under the hood to see what is going on, rather then just looking at the hood.

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