multi measure rests not compressing
Hi folks!
Running into lots of bugs with the latest build:
OS: macOS 15.3, Arch.: arm64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.1-250800846, revision: 603eca8
One issue can be seen in the attachment. Note how some measures between multi-measure rests are not included in the MM rest. It's as though Musescore thinks it needs to leave one intact before starting another MM rest. But I don't want that.
Is this a setting I'm missing or is this a bug?
Some texts (Sax solo eg) were anchored in the measure preceding the multimeasure rest, thus interrupting it. Cut and paste texts directly on the multimeasure rest. I've added double barlines, not sure if that's what you want?
See: 2multimeasure rests dont compress.mscz