MS 3 Evolution scaling
Something I find frustrating is the scaling facility. First the increments/decrements are preset to other than single thousands of a mm, so we are at the mercy of some (to me) random preset amount.
Then, to change the thousands is also frustrating as deleting to enter a modestly smaller amount causes the thousands to fill in with zeros, causing one to have to go in and delete a particular zero to fill in a smaller amount.
My wish is to have the zeros NOT fill the spaces so they can be adjusted to operators intuitive amounts. Also, perhaps, have the preset amounts selected by the user or set to 1 thousandth.
I am hopeful you will consider changing this. Warm regards and thanks for your massive contributions. :-)
The problem has existed for a long time and not only in 3.7 - 3.6.2 also has the same problem. I mentioned this a long time ago. And I don't know which other versions as well.
But you don't have to change the scaling that often ... :-)
In reply to The problem has existed for… by HildeK
I did tak a look at that issue quite a while ago and could not figure out the reason nor the fix.
Most other spin boxes do not have that issue, but I can't see why, what the difference is.
And yes, this is pretty annoying
I do agree that the current step width of 0.2 is too large, but increments of 0.001 are to small, I usually use increments of 0.05, any would deem that a sane default, so are going to change to this for 3.7 shortly
In reply to I did tak a look at that… by Jojo-Schmitz
I might even shorten the spinbox to only 2 decimals
Posted Feb 2024... so it sounds like a fix wasn't found yet, although it would be easy to change the increase/decrease amount from .250 to something like .050 or .100. At least that might be better than no change.
Note to self: refresh before attempting post
In reply to… by worldwideweary
As my personal mostly used decrement (I've so far never increased that value from the default of 1.750 mm) is 0.05 mm I'll go for that (also change 0.005 inch to and 0.002 inch).
I'll try to get the same thing done for upstream master
In reply to… by worldwideweary