Bass Viol tablature input does not work
Since I have upgraded to version 4 of Musescore, the tablature input for bass viol does not work. I have been able to use the ukulele tablature without issue, though.
Please advise - I am in the middle of creating parts.
Thank you.
I'm sure I've already read that on the forum. There is indeed a problem. I haven't checked whether this has already been reported on Github. If not, could you do it? Here:
In the meantime, I remembered a workaround, namely to choose in Instruments, Bass Viol in standard notation (and not directly Bass Viol Tablature), then in the Layout panel, to change the staff type (to a TAB therefore) via the cogwheel.
Take a look at this test file: the first staff doesn't work, the second does: Bass Viol.mscz
In reply to Indeed, I'm sure I've… by cadiz1
The problem is that, for some reason, the list of staff types is lost (?) in Bass Viol Tablature - image below.
EDIT: I seem to remember (not sure...) that it's related to a change in the name of this instrument. To be checked later...
The problem seems to be that the Instrument definition for "Bass Viol (tablature)" is lacking the string data. "Bass viol" has that, so can get (successfully) converted into a tablature staff type:
As you mas see it doesn't heve the full set of string data, just the amount of frets, no strings and their tuning.
This needs to get reported on GitHub, it should be quite an easy fix, but it does require editing… which is only possible to the core team members.
Fields to change:…
In reply to The problem seems to be that… by Jojo-Schmitz
The culprit is here I guess:…
In reply to The culprit is here I guess:… by cadiz1
No. a) that's not the official repo and b) that commit doesn't deal with string data at all and c) that commit quite clearly shows that the problem existed before already
In reply to No. a) that's not the… by Jojo-Schmitz
"that commit doesn't dealt with string data at all"
So, where is it this commit?
In reply to "that commit doesn't dealt… by cadiz1
Some 6 weeks earlier, in 20f1288a there was a change there, but that looks like an only half backed fix, only adding the number of frets, but no strings and their tunings.
No idea when those got lost
3.x handled that differently, it just 'inherited' these settong drom another instrument (Here from the Bass viol), so didn't need them to be explicitly set,
Maybe when this inheritance got abandoned that instrument lost ist settings, might have happened with 4.0.0 already
In reply to some 6 weeks earlier,… by Jojo-Schmitz
"might have happened with 4.0.0 already"
In any case, the Viola da Gamba worked perfectly in version 4.3.2 (image below made with this version), and no longer since 4.4. with the name change to Bass Viol.
In reply to "might have happened with 4… by cadiz1
OK. But that name change is unrelated to this issue
In reply to OK. But that name change is… by Jojo-Schmitz
Okay, I guess it was too easy to see a cause-and-effect relationship.
In reply to Okay, I guess it was too… by cadiz1
Yes ;-)
In reply to Yes ;-) by Jojo-Schmitz
Actually I now think 20f1288a really was the culprit, that partial addition of stringdate (number of frets only) seems to have broken the inheritance, which still is in there, see that
So deleteting the content of… might fix this issue
In reply to Actually I now think… by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm currently trying to evaluate that theory ;-)
In reply to I'm currently trying to… by Jojo-Schmitz
Theory confirmed. See