
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Text font Terry. Rigler. 2 5 years ago
Issue Accent height above note when bulk copying and pasting sometimes is too high/not right above note or previous articulation/ornament eagleclarinet22 4 5 years ago
Issue Double sharp is displayed twice wolf16 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Shifting single notes from upper to lower notation system in piano scores herdemith 2 5 years ago
Forum topic bars/measures AngusMacDonald 1 5 years ago
Issue Musicxml export - text lines and hairpins not exported, summing up hhpmusic 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Simulated compatibility mrfdes 2 5 years ago
Forum topic How to add divisi ph.jannn 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Restricted range of note values in MuseScore 3 CMHdeV 2 5 years ago
Issue Hearing parts individually from score if I make a tab xsaj 1 5 years ago
Forum topic can hear full score in individual parts Anastazia N. White 3 5 years ago
Forum topic How do I? dme88091 2 5 years ago
Issue Strech in multimeasure very limited Gai-Luron 4 5 years ago
Forum topic triplets with two notes nastyq 6 5 years ago
Forum topic Quick pedal option ladubois 7 5 years ago
Forum topic Wiedergabe des Auszugs spielt die Partitur ab saxoscore 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Changing score AngusMacDonald 1 5 years ago
Forum topic page handling and empty staves issues Trottolina 8 5 years ago
Forum topic Text Styles: remove from Style dialog and access directly from the Format menu? geetar 2 5 years ago
Forum topic dalende melodie Remco Welmerink 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Distance within systems is different for each system. WizardsWife2 11 5 years ago
Forum topic Chord Question? Daniel McPhillips 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Editing measure one to create a pickup measure choklat 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Unwritten accelerando matthewrbair 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Staff text unhiding staves causes cueing issues in score Laurelin 9 5 years ago