Adding text to My profil

• Feb 6, 2021 - 11:13

How can one add some text of introduction on the My profile page?
Texting, linking, uploading txt file does not work on my side.


Not sure if you mean this section of your profile:


If you do then you can access it directly from here on .org even though it's actually on .com


Thank you for the input, I finally found it was the settings button where text could be added I was looking for.
Is there a help page of how to start a group on a special theme or interest?

In reply to by Gandharv

It's confusing but according to the FAQ: is home to the open source MuseScore program for Windows, macOS, Linux, and its developers, contributors and users community. Its forum is the ideal place to ask any question related to the MuseScore program. is a community site to share your sheet music with your friends via the web and for the mobile apps for iOS and Android. The site has social features such as embedding, commenting, annotating, statistics, groups. The site offers free accounts, but has a Pro Account for those who want more.

That all seems very clear. The confusion arises when links on the .org site unexpectedly land you somewhere on the .com site. No-one seems interested in sorting it out so it's just a quirk that you soon get used to.

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