Import MusicXML
I see a way to import PDF using the webpage. I don't see a way to import MusicXML. I'm using the free version. Is MusicXML a subscription version?
Thanks, wizards. <3
I see a way to import PDF using the webpage. I don't see a way to import MusicXML. I'm using the free version. Is MusicXML a subscription version?
Thanks, wizards. <3
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Hi, does this file end with .mxl? Maybe you have to extract it before. (with WINZIP, 7-zip etc.)
In reply to Hi, does this file end with … by [DELETED] 1307581
It's a MXL file, but it's not zipped. I was able to open it by searching for things other than existing scores. Thanks, Pentatonus. That's a good thing to remember for the future! <3
In reply to It's a MXL file, but it's… by judeeylander
.mxl files are zipped.
MuseScore can open them directly though.
In reply to .mxl files are zipped. by Jojo-Schmitz
Hmmm. I didn't have to unzip to upload. However, it did lose it's formatting. All the notes were there, but everything was scattered far and wide.
In reply to Hmmm. I didn't have to unzip… by judeeylander
MusicXML is not about keeping all facettes of layout, it is mainly about the content.
In reply to MusicXML is not about… by Jojo-Schmitz
Good to know! We always put MusicXML into Distributed Proofreaders books with the MP3; however, I'm also advocating for PDF too. It becomes downloadable sheet music for readers who want to play the music on their own instruments.
Thanks again, Jojo. I'll go back to being vocal about how music is shared in books again. Woot Woot! <3
In reply to Good to know! We always put… by judeeylander
Add the mscz too, works only with MuseScore, but as that is free...
In reply to Add the mscz too, works only… by Jojo-Schmitz
We've talked about that. Some postprocessors do, some don't. I think it's a wonderful addition! <3
In reply to .mxl files are zipped. by Jojo-Schmitz
Got it. I didn't have to unzip because MuseScore does it as part of the upload. Wonderful! Thanks again, Jojo! <3
In reply to Got it. I didn't have to… by judeeylander
In reply to Upload?? by Jojo-Schmitz
Open. Sorry. I was thinking the wrong term. In my mind it was coming from someplace else and being uploaded into MuseScore. I'll correct my thinking and language. <3
In reply to Open. Sorry. I was thinking… by judeeylander
So it is "import", File > Open
File > Save online, would be "upload" to
In reply to So it is "import", File >… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ah. Correct semantics. Thanks, Jojo! <3
There's no unfree version., The subscription is only for the Pro account in, and the mobile apps, not for and the MuseScore editor at all.
You import MusicXML simply via File > Open
In reply to There's no unfree version… by Jojo-Schmitz
Aha! I had to search beyond the existing scores that popped up. Got it! Thanks, Jojo. As always, you're the BEST! <3
In reply to There's no unfree version… by Jojo-Schmitz
No unfree version? WOW! You all are AWESOME! <3