Multiple Tabs

• May 25, 2023 - 19:40

One thing I want to use in Musescore 4.0.2 is the multiple tabs like I did in older versions. Sometimes, I like to set up a long play list, but the problem with the new version is that it opens up a new instance of the program each time I open a new file. Is there something I need to turn on in the program to prevent this from happening? It would be extremely helpful for organists who use midi to run hymn playlists.



In reply to by Shoichi

I've read through the threads, And i see that the developers are not compromising on making this feature issue over tabs in one instance of the Musescore window an "option." SOOOOO i will continue to use v. 3 and start looking into a different developer and start anew.

It's been months since the release of v. 4. If the developers were going to make the optional change, they would have done that by now.

what a shame. I've been using Musescore for ten years. So, onward and upward to bring an end to a good run.

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