note playing although bar is completely empty?

• May 3, 2018 - 11:57

Hi there!

In a bar I had an oboe playing a long a, but then later deleted it.

Now, when I press play, the note is still clearly heard. For a moment, I thought I forgot to delete it, but there is nothing in the measure. No grey notes. Nothing but a full rest. If I try deleting the rest, either by selecting the rest or the measure, nothing happens. The note is still heard. If I try entering some random notes, they are heard on top of the long a. If I then delete everything, the random notes disappear, but the a remains...

What's going on here?
And how do I get rid of the ghost note?



Ok, I even tried removing the bar completely. That killed the note. Then I added the bar back in. Note still gone. Then I copypasted the other voices back in, everything except the oboe, and, boom, the note was back!

It's somehow hiding in the other voices!
Very strange...

In reply to by MindBoggle

Without checking your score, difficult to say.
Before this measure, have you a volta including a tie?
And if something is hidden in another voice, you should see it if you have not unticked in menu "View" -> "Show invisible"
By attaching the score, it's would be really easier to understand what going on.

In reply to by cadiz1

I think I've solved the mystery...

It's not the oboe, I'm hearing! It's the sustain on the first note in the guitar voice! The guitar is briefly playing the same note, the sustain holds it, and the jazzguitar sound I've selected is close enough to the oboe to fool me. :o

Mystery solved! Thanks for your help, and sorry for the trouble!

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