MuseScore as an engine

• Jan 15, 2017 - 09:59

I have been trying to create a MediaWiki extension that enables a MediaWiki site to host mscz scores. Thus MuseScore is needed as an engine running on a server, generating midi and pdf files whenever an mscz score is uploaded. The queer thing that's happening is that 127 return code keeps showing up, indicating that the shell cannot execute mscore correctly (perhaps it does not find it or lacks some necessary library). I have tried some other commands, all of which along with mscore have their links in /usr/bin/, and they all run smoothly well.

I wonder why this happens to MuseScore alone.


UPD: It is indeed a problem of libraries, for
mscore: error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object

But I wonder how to solve it.


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