
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Playback issues on audio devices set to high sample rates Marc Sabatella 27 1 day ago
Forum topic Discretional numbers on tuplets. azumbrunn 7 2 months ago
Forum topic How to control the number of measures per line of music Sharon Singer 8 2 months ago
Forum topic 8 months later and still: Unacceptable and BASIC sound ISSUES gary23andrews 30 2 months ago
Forum topic Does the tab order of the New Score Wizard bother anyone? Riley Sullivan 30 2 months ago
Forum topic Resetting measure numbers azumbrunn 2 2 months ago
Forum topic Musescore became very buggy in general Mikka Gerig 3 2 months ago
Forum topic Album function azumbrunn 1 2 months ago
Forum topic Violin notation question mike320 24 3 months ago
Forum topic Moving an augmentation note to be left-most when equivalent pitch in second voice: worldwideweary 18 4 months ago
Forum topic Presentation on multi page score azumbrunn 1 4 months ago
Forum topic Difficult to select invisible elements Miguel Vicente… 15 5 months ago
Forum topic Deleting or Removing Rests dirigentkomponist 29 6 months ago
Forum topic Cover Page Austin.Souphanthalop 3 6 months ago
Forum topic Dynamics in 4.0 living bar 18 9 months ago
Forum topic Alla breve tie filipwerthman 10 9 months ago
Forum topic How to add a second note (e.g. half a note) beside another note (See screenshot) honar1378 6 9 months ago
Forum topic Is there a way to change stretch in a number of measures simultaneously in Musescore 4? azumbrunn 30 9 months ago
Forum topic Problems with selecting items on score. azumbrunn 17 10 months ago
Forum topic Dynamic markings in parts azumbrunn 2 10 months ago
Forum topic MS4.1.1 Playback peculiarities (Muse string sounds) KSaul 24 10 months ago
Forum topic Cant change notes without entire system crashing. peter_piper300 9 10 months ago
Forum topic Notes about music transcription soe705353 6 11 months ago
Forum topic Instruments sound different some days/ignoring dynamics? ncoombs1995 1 11 months ago
Forum topic Staff text/dynamic positioning is not reflected in exported file trollman312 1 11 months ago